
Corrosion evaluation of magnetic alloys and live water mains

We have created the “ZEE Probe”! A fully-functional corrosion detection tool for corrosion evaluation of magnetic alloys and live water mains! Water main failures are very expensive for municipalities because they typically result in expenses associated with repair costs, flood damage, and loss of revenue to affected nesses. Water main failures also interrupt the operation of vital services, such as medical care and fire-fighting operations. Currently, millions of dollars are spent annually by industry and by municipalities on the repair of failed components of the water distribution infrastructure, such as components that are made from gray cast iron or “gray iron” pipe.

Water main failures can be avoided by following Matergenics corrosion control program. By using our corrosion control program, areas with low to severe corrosion can be identified and excavated. Matergenics graphitization sensor device can be used to check the potentials on the live water main at the susceptible areas of corrosion. Moreover, the extent of corrosion on the live water main at the susceptible areas of corrosion can be checked. The collected data will aid in decision making whether to continue the water main in service or to cut the corroded pipe section and install a new pipe section.

Two provisional patent applications for the sensor invention were filed. The first application, entitled “Non-Destructive Testing System for Detecting Graphitization of Iron”, was filed on August 23, 2019 and was assigned U.S. Patent Application No. 62/890,676. The second patent application, also entitled “Non-Destructive Testing System for Detecting Graphitization of Iron”, was filed on May 18, 2020 and was assigned U.S. Patent Application No. 63/026,366.

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